Eliza-lee, a fine artist from London, studied in Liverpool, England.
We love her aesthetics and her sense for beautiful things which she developed from an early age through her father. She was raised in London, where he taught her to find contentment and inspiration in the recognition of simple objects and in the value of minimalism. Her father encouraged her to fill her life with objects of beauty and over time she found herself questioning the provenance of those things, how they were made and who made them. Ultimately, she searched for the perfect balance of practicality and beauty, form and function, objects to having in her own personal space which would enrich her daily life.
She launched her website “opah” in 2018.
OpahStore is an online retail store selling garments and household goods. Where she sells enriching products which are sourced from independent makers from across the world.
She enjoys sewing garments, sculpting with clay, painting and cycling around London.
Like many artists, Eliza loves travelling and meeting new artists, her visit to Copenhagen in 2014 was one of her most influential trips. Their architecture, lush green parks, art galleries, food and their simple way of living deeply enriched her as a human being. There she met designer Dieter Rams, she loves his simple structure and vision towards excellent simplicity in everything he does.
She has an eclectic taste in music, for her listening to Radiohead is forever inspiring. Eliza also loves Thom Yorke who she feels has a unique way of producing music and manages to portray emotion within his work like no other.
As a fine artist, she has an eye for detail and appreciation. She gets inspired by people she is able to meet through her work as a designer/artist. There are many independent makers and designers whose work inspires her. From their work she finds the influence and motivation to create her own work.
You can visit her website www.opahstore.com