Jessica Chapman is the owner of the Gather shop. She moved to Amsterdam from the UK in 2011 and fell in love with the city. She studied Architecture and Interiors and worked as an interior designer before beginning The Gather shop in 2013. To begin with, The Gather shop was just a dream and market stand; Jessica finally took the plunge and opened the doors to her first store on the Van Woustraat in December 2014, moving to the current location in DeHallen in 2016. The Gather shop was born out of a love of picking out and being surrounded by beautiful things.
About the shop and the products available, Jessica says, “I love the handmade objects we sell and feel so connected to both the objects themselves and the designers that are their talented creators. I am often asked how the collection comes together, it is simply a mix of everything I love, joined by their clean lines, simple forms and connection to the designers.”